
Validate Index by using a hash function

Hashing makes it possible to use constant amount of memory to validate Index of arbitrary size.


Lasse Collin (original liblzma author), Johannes Pfau (D bindings)

public domain

struct lzma_index_hash;
Opaque data type to hold the Index hash

lzma_index_hash* lzma_index_hash_init(lzma_index_hash* index_hash, lzma_allocator* allocator);
Allocate and initialize a new lzma_index_hash structure

If index_hash is NULL, a new lzma_index_hash structure is allocated, initialized, and a pointer to it returned. If allocation fails, NULL is returned.

If index_hash is non-NULL, it is reinitialized and the same pointer returned. In this case, return value cannot be NULL or a different pointer than the index_hash that was given as an argument.

void lzma_index_hash_end(lzma_index_hash* index_hash, lzma_allocator* allocator);
Deallocate lzma_index_hash structure

lzma_ret lzma_index_hash_append(lzma_index_hash* index_hash, lzma_vli unpadded_size, lzma_vli uncompressed_size);
Add a new Record to an Index hash

index Pointer to a lzma_index_hash structure
lzma_vli unpadded_size Unpadded Size of a Block
lzma_vli uncompressed_size Uncompressed Size of a Block

- LZMA_OK - LZMA_DATA_ERROR: Compressed or uncompressed size of the Stream or size of the Index field would grow too big. - LZMA_PROG_ERROR: Invalid arguments or this function is being used when lzma_index_hash_decode() has already been used.

lzma_ret lzma_index_hash_decode(lzma_index_hash* index_hash, const ubyte* in_, uint* in_pos, size_t in_size);
Decode and validate the Index field

After telling the sizes of all Blocks with lzma_index_hash_append(), the actual Index field is decoded with this function. Specifically, once decoding of the Index field has been started, no more Records can be added using lzma_index_hash_append().

This function doesn't use lzma_stream structure to pass the input data. Instead, the input buffer is specified using three arguments. This is because it matches better the internal APIs of liblzma.

lzma_index_hash* index_hash Pointer to a lzma_index_hash structure
ubyte* in_ Pointer to the beginning of the input buffer
uint* in_pos in[*in_pos] is the next byte to process
size_t in_size in[in_size] is the first byte not to process

- LZMA_OK: So far good, but more input is needed. - LZMA_STREAM_END: Index decoded successfully and it matches the Records given with lzma_index_hash_append(). - LZMA_DATA_ERROR: Index is corrupt or doesn't match the information given with lzma_index_hash_append(). - LZMA_BUF_ERROR: Cannot progress because *in_pos >= in_size. - LZMA_PROG_ERROR

lzma_vli lzma_index_hash_size(const lzma_index_hash* index_hash);
Get the size of the Index field as bytes

This is needed to verify the Backward Size field in the Stream Footer.